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microsoft exchange

analysis and control of the mail server data flow

the microsoft exchange module

controls the operation of the main mail server services, allows analysis of email flow by recipients, senders, and detects spikes in activity. Auditing access to mailboxes, determining instances of mail forwarding, auto-replies, etc. Detection of anomalies in mail traffic.

key features

SAF Systems provides complete control over the core mail server services of Microsoft Exchange, enabling efficient management of the entire email infrastructure.
The module allows for the analysis of email traffic by recipients and senders, as well as the detection of sudden spikes in email activity, ensuring better control over email communication.
SAF Systems offers mailbox access auditing functionality, helping to monitor and track who and when had access to these mailboxes.
The module aids in detecting unusual events in email traffic, including mail forwarding, auto-replies, and other anomalies, contributing to the identification of potential threats.

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